Acerca de la Fundación MPI

MPI Foundation

Passionately committed to bringing vision and prosperity to the meetings and events community

Global Board of Trustees

The MPI Foundation’s board of trustees guides its strategies, programs and fundraising initiatives.

MPI Foundation Bylaws

This statement explains the MPI Foundation’s governing and leadership structure.

US, Canada & EMEA Councils

The Foundation seeks guidance from board members in three major regions of the world.


Experience the success stories of those who have given to and benefited from the MPI Foundation.

Annual Reports & Facts

The Foundation has accomplished much over the years. From annual reports to success stories, read all about them here.

Chapter Liaison Resources

Links to help chapter representatives gain a full understanding of relevant Foundation information.

Contact the MPI Foundation

Do you have a donation or scholarship question for the MPI Foundation? Whatever your need, get connected with the right person.


Links to a list of available scholarship programs.

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